Rob Malcolm
Chief Operating Officer, Omniscient Neurotechnology
On the benefits of COO-GM Roundtable
"A COO's job is hard - but if you're a COO you already know that. Meeting other COOs on a regular basis (but not-too-regular-as-to-be-a-distraction) is a rare opportunity. A well-run meeting of your peers with Chatham House Rules (i.e. what's said in the room, stays in the room) is a chance to learn from people you respect."
Jane Prior
General Manager,
WT Partnership
On the benefits of COO-GM Roundtable
"The COO - GM forum is a highlight in my calendar. It’s a pause time out, to be stimulated to learn from others. I have found it to be that rare but increasingly important step out of the day to day “busy-ness”, taking the time to think and reflect, to be inspired by new ideas and people, to reset my perspective, and gather independent views and advice. I really appreciate the diversity of topics and thinking the group brings and the knowledge we gain from each other. We are building and maintaining that rare, but incredibly valuable network of trusted confidantes. The ones you can talk openly to about what’s really going on, who will push your thinking and really help you progress. "
Pitched at Chief Operating Officer & GM. For many Senior Executives, the function continues to expand in scope requiring the contemporary GM to strengthen their leadership and management capabilities. This Roundtable provides fresh perspectives, new ideas and solutions to the most pressing business issues and concerns, at regular group meetings.
Key Benefits
Provides fast-paced executive learning which will help you to make a timely and positive impact
Navigate real business challenges with frank and objective peers whose only agenda is to help you succeed
Insight into what great looks like in other organisations
Learn from other successful peers in your group
Discover new opportunities, new ways and recharge your thinking to accelerate business growth
Expand your network of key decision-makers
Pitched at Chief Operating Officer & GM. For many Senior Executives, the function continues to expand in scope requiring the contemporary GM to strengthen their leadership and management capabilities. This Roundtable provides fresh perspectives, new ideas and solutions to the most pressing business issues and concerns, at regular group meetings.
COO – GM Roundtable is a high-calibre group of like-minded & experienced Chief Operating Officers and General Managers who share a growth mindset – collectively they lift the bar on what great looks like.
The bar is now even higher for the contemporary General Manager. For many senior executives, the job function continues to expand in scope requiring the contemporary business leader to strengthen their management capabilities in areas such as; regulation, globalization, embracing technology, risk, setting the strategy, reporting, transformation, financial concepts, stakeholder management plus managing talent and capability.
We hope you are visiting our site because you understand the importance of executive development for career growth and business performance. There are multiple executive development program formats you can consider such as working with an executive coach or mentor, the traditional MBA, vendor-sponsored networking events, executive training courses and informal meet-ups.
What’s our unique value? We take a cutting-edge approach to executive development by curating a dedicated and connected Roundtable that meet on a semi-regular basis to share real-world experiences, new ideas and wisdom to efficiently enhance their leadership, strategic focus, and positive impact on their organisation.
We focus on providing a valuable Member experience free of vendor sponsored marketing.